

2018-01-23   阅读量:   作者:蓝海集团

直布罗陀对最近英国首相Theresa May作出的保证表示欢迎: 直布罗陀将在脱欧过渡时期参与同欧盟(EU) 的谈判。

直布罗陀称已经收到负责英国脱欧谈判的英国部长David Davis的明确承诺,如果直布罗陀没有包括在内,英国与欧盟在未来的贸易中“不会做这笔交易”,May在直布罗陀的国庆日也作出保证,“维护这里的土地,这里的人民,和这里的经济”。
By Courtesy of Lowtax.net

Gibraltar Covered InBrexit Transition, UK PM Says

Gibraltar haswelcomed recent assurances from the UK's Prime Minister, Theresa May, that itwill be covered in any Brexit transitional period negotiated with the EU.

Gibraltar'sGovernment said May's assurance made in the House of Commons earlier this weekreiterates earlier statements that Gibraltar will be included in Brexitnegotiations for both the transitional period and any future agreement,contradicting statements made by Spain and the EU.

Gibraltar says ithas already received the unequivocal commitment of David Davis, the UK Ministerin charge of the UK's Brexit negotiations, that the UK "will not do thedeal" with the EU on future trade if it does not include Gibraltar, aswell as May's own assurances, on Gibraltar's National Day this year, to"safeguard the Rock, its people, and its economy."

Gibraltar's Government says its position is that a transitionalperiod, which largely extends the existing relationship of the UK with the EUuntil the end of 2020, should similarly extend the existing relationship ofGibraltar with the EU until that time. It says it will continue to work withthe UK to secure a Brexit that works for Gibraltar and for all sectors of itscommunity and all nationalities represented in its labor market, despiteSpain's "predatory attitude."
By Courtesy of Lowtax.net
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